Capture: A Digital Dance Showcase
Capture is a vibrant digital dance showcase lighting up Aotea Square with over 55 dance films. The event is a celebration of dance, spotlighting the artistry of Aotearoa's pioneering and emerging dance talents.
Filed under:
Graphic Design, Marketing, Activation
Tempo Dance Festival, Auckland Live, Creative New Zealand
Graphic Design, Marketing, Activation
Tempo Dance Festival, Auckland Live, Creative New Zealand

How to Throw a Chinese Funeral
Set across Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, and Auckland, How to Throw a Chinese Funeral unravels the tapestry of a family's history and heritage during a traditional Taoist funeral. As the puppet and projection designer, I crafted eight unique puppets inspired by the wayang kulit shadow puppetry, which serve as narrative vessels, casting silhouetted glimpses into the family's past and illuminating the play’s exploration of memory, identity, and generational change.
Filed under:
Projection Design, Puppet Design, Animation
Proudly Asian Theatre, Hand Pulled Collective, Jill Kwan
Projection Design, Puppet Design, Animation
Proudly Asian Theatre, Hand Pulled Collective, Jill Kwan

Digital Garden
Digital Garden is a research project that delves into the potential of electronic waste as a resource for creating interactive installations. The central concept is a "digital garden," a nurturing space that fosters the growth of ideas, cultivates meaningful dialogue, and encourages the exchange of knowledge. Traditionally associated with online platforms, this installation aims to materialises the digital garden concept into a public space, making it accessible to diverse audiences, including children, elders, and those less engaged in virtual environments.
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Art Direction, Installation
Creative New Zealand, Kristin Li, Kyung Ho Min, Ford Jones, Qianye Lin
Art Direction, Installation
Creative New Zealand, Kristin Li, Kyung Ho Min, Ford Jones, Qianye Lin

"MAHIGAWA" (Magic/Spell) is a moving image work featuring Lara Chuo and Cypris Afakasi, exploring self-celebration and self-doubt. Set against Northcote Central’s urban landscape, the piece presents the artists as gods from their indigenous histories, juxtaposing divine figures in a pedestrian setting to challenge conventional notions of vanity, pride, and narcissism. Through captivating performances and evocative imagery, "Mahigawa" invites viewers to examine their relationship with self-love, and experience the transcendent beauty of embracing their own divine reflection.
Headshots for Arts Makers Aotearoa
Artist portraits as part of Arts Makers Aotearoa pilot mentoring group, featuring: Cath Guevara, Rhea Maheshwari, Linda Va'aelua, and Juliana Durán.